Tuesday, April 29, 2008


so much to talk about.
I'm in Chi-town.

The 'Hope" conference that i went to last weekend, was interesting, it started out a bit rough for me, because I was overwhelmed, but then I really had a good time on Saturday, I accomplished my goals that I had and met some cool people.

I will later talk in more depth to what happened and who I met.

stay tuned!

Friday, April 25, 2008


Its Friday and in a few hours I will be bravely battling the traffic of the 101 and 405. bring it on!!!

actually , please don't bring it on. I am a freak about being on time and I already know I will be late, so I dont need to be any more neurotic than I am in the high-stress environment of a 3 min speed date.

Tonight and tomorrow, should be lots of fun, I will report back with how it goes.
Besides that, nothing really to impart.
I just had some sushi for lunch which is always a great thing.

Oh and I just found this:

Flight of the Conchords....yes I'm sure I am late on the ball, but its comedy! Lord of the Rings spoof.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Biscuit life

Another day another dollar.
I decided I would write in my blog, the Biscuit Show everyday and see how far I can go.
Not that anyone reads it.... well...maybe once we get back on the show, its been hard to find time to record.
So the struggles of the single 30-something year old man...

I am heading out to a singles conference tomorrow night, I'm excited about it, heres the link to the place and photo.

with over 1200 people there, it will be a mormon mad house, with OC girls, dudes and out-of-towners. So the goal is to not get overwhelmed and feel out of place in such a large gathering, I do well with small groups of under 100 people, but once we get in the thousand range and start losing my bearings.
I will report more on it as it happens.

On other notes, I'm headed to Chicago after that for work, I'm excited to see the Windy city.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Biscuit Show is back...

Season 2 will be starting shortly.

until then, please stand by and listen to the ramblings of a single mormon man.

oh and check this out!
