Friday, September 4, 2009

Motion Comics...

Today I wanted to talk about Spiderwoman Agent of S.W.O.R.D #1 the first big push by I mean Marvel into the world of what they are calling "Motion Comics"
For $0.99 (now I think its $1.99) you can download a 10 minute motion comic, with limited animation and voice acting. I'll first talk about my impressions of the concept and then dive into this actual story.
For those who have never really read comics, I can see this being a very cool media and an interesting way to get people excited about the Marvel universe. All you have to do is sit back and watch it. It still has some of the pacing and layouts like a comic, which is good and translates nicely. This is not an animated cartoon though, and you soon realize its different, even different from that Watchmen motion comic that came out either this year. This has no panels that move around and things like that, its a strange hybrid of movie and comic, and I think it works as that, something completely different. Its not trying to be a comic or a movie. Becuase of that it works better than the Watchmen motion comic and other tries at this that big comic companies have done, like the trailer to Civil War or the Ultimates. So on presentation and unique idea I give it a thumbs up.
That all said, there is no way I want comics to start going to this media. If you have not read Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics, you really need to read to, its amazing and teaches the magic of comics, even someone like Big Kev who has read many more comics and for longer than myself should go out and read Understanding Comics, its awesome and its all written as a comic. So there. I bring it up because comics have a magic when you read them that is lost in this new media of 'Motion Comics'. The magic and imagination that happens between the panels is what is amazing about comics. The way your mind reads the flow of movement and the voices that you give the characters is what makes comics a unique storytelling device. I realize comics on paper are being challenged by digital media, and I'm coming slowly to grips with that, but they better stay comics. Dont go into this Motion thing, it will kill what makes comics, comics.
I'm a big old-school fan of Bendis and Maleev and this really well done. The voice acting is top notch, and I love the art and subtle music. It plays like a 22-page comic in the 10 minutes and had the classic cliffhanger that you would expect to get you to buy the next episode. At $1.99 its not a bad price at all, especially considering all the production that went into this. If you are curious about the Marvel universe/comics and want an engaging story, I'd say go for it....but it will not replace a good 4-color funny book that you can have next to your nightstand. (He says as he looks at this shortbox of comics next to the bed)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spiderwoman eh? I'd hit it.